What Commercials Is Daniel Radcliffe In: Daniel Radcliffe’s Impactful Commercial Transformations!

Daniel Radcliffe is best known for playing the role of Harry Potter in the blockbuster film franchise based on J.K. Rowling’s bestselling books. However, Radcliffe has also appeared in various commercials and endorsements throughout his career. This article will provide an overview of the major commercials and ad campaigns that Daniel Radcliffe has participated in over the years.

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What Brands and Products Has Daniel Radcliffe Promoted?

Sky Broadband (2013)

In 2013, Daniel Radcliffe starred in a series of hilarious ads for Sky Broadband in the UK. The ads showed Radcliffe in various awkward situations meant to demonstrate the frustration of slow internet. With taglines like “Stuck Buffer Face” and “Forever Loading”, the commercials highlighted Sky Broadband’s fast and reliable internet speeds. Radcliffe’s appearance helped raise awareness and goodwill for the Sky brand.

AT&T (2016)

In 2016, Radcliffe served as a spokesperson for AT&T’s “It Can Wait” campaign against texting and driving. He appeared in commercials and online videos spreading awareness of the dangers of distracted driving. The powerful ads with Radcliffe speaking directly to viewers helped convey the seriousness of the issue.

Year Brand Product
2013 Sky Broadband
2016 AT&T “It Can Wait” Campaign

Simply Mac (2017)

In 2017, Radcliffe became a spokesperson for Simply Mac, a chain of Apple premium resellers. Radcliffe appeared in print and TV ads endorsing Simply Mac as the place to get all things Apple. Having such a high-profile celebrity advocate helped build awareness and trust for the Simply Mac brand.

Science Channel (2017)

Also in 2017, Radcliffe was featured in several on-air promos for the Science Channel cable network. The spots highlighted some of the channel’s programming like “Mythbusters” and “How the Universe Works”. Radcliffe’s intelligent and curious persona aligned well with the Science Channel’s brand.

Year Brand Product
2017 Simply Mac Apple Products
2017 Science Channel TV Promos

What Causes and Organizations Has Daniel Radcliffe Promoted?

The Trevor Project (2010-Present)

One of Radcliffe’s longest partnerships has been with The Trevor Project, a nonprofit focused on suicide prevention among LGBTQ youth. Radcliffe first got involved in 2010 and has remained an active supporter for over a decade. He has filmed PSAs, hosted events, and helped raise millions in donations for the organization. His continued commitment demonstrates his compassion and willingness to use his platform for good.

J.K. Rowling’s Lumos Foundation (2010-Present)

Radcliffe has also been a vocal champion of J.K. Rowling’s international children’s charity Lumos, which works to reform orphanages and the foster care system. Like with The Trevor Project, Radcliffe has recorded PSAs, written op-eds, and attended fundraisers for Lumos since 2010. Radcliffe’s loyalty shows his appreciation for Rowling and desire to help disadvantaged kids around the world.

Year Organization Cause
2010-Present The Trevor Project LGBTQ Youth Suicide Prevention
2010-Present Lumos Foundation International Children’s Charity

American Red Cross (2017)

In the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in 2017, Radcliffe appeared in a PSA for the American Red Cross urging people to donate for relief efforts. Radcliffe helped raise awareness and encourage aid for those impacted by the devastating storms.

Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (Various)

On multiple occasions over the years, Radcliffe has donated signed merchandise and other items to be auctioned off for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. The nonprofit helps provide services and financial assistance for those living with HIV/AIDS. Radcliffe’s contributions show his care for the arts community.

Year Organization Cause
2017 American Red Cross Hurricane Relief
Various Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS HIV/AIDS Assistance

What Award Shows Has Daniel Radcliffe Presented At?

MTV Movie Awards (2014)

In 2014, Daniel Radcliffe made a surprise appearance at the MTV Movie Awards to present the award for Best Kiss. Radcliffe added a comedic touch by wearing a braided wig to jokingly reference his Harry Potter days. This showcased Radcliffe’s sense of humor and willingness to poke fun at himself.

Tony Awards (2015)

At the 2015 Tony Awards, Radcliffe took the stage to present the award for Best Revival of a Play. Having starred in Broadway shows like Equus and The Cripple of Inishmaan, Radcliffe brought star power and legitimacy to the ceremony. His appearance was a testament to his love of theater.

Year Award Show
2014 MTV Movie Awards
2015 Tony Awards

British Academy Film Awards (2020)

Most recently at the 2020 BAFTA Film Awards, Radcliffe presented the Rising Star Award alongside actress Florence Pugh. Radcliffe remained a relevant face by appearing at his homeland’s most prestigious film awards. His participation underscored his enduring popularity in the UK.

Producers Guild Awards (2022)

In 2022, Radcliffe attended the Producers Guild Awards to present the award for Outstanding Producer of Animated Theatrical Motion Pictures. Radcliffe’s high-profile role maintained his visibility with industry insiders and fans alike.

Year Award Show
2020 BAFTA Film Awards
2022 Producers Guild Awards

What TV Shows Has Daniel Radcliffe Appeared on As a Guest?

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (Multiple)

Radcliffe has made numerous appearances on The Tonight Show over the years to promote his various films and theater projects. His rapport with host Jimmy Fallon demonstrates his wit and ability to banter. These lighthearted interviews helped endear Radcliffe to American late night audiences.

Saturday Night Live (2008)

In 2008 at the height of Harry Potter mania, Radcliffe made a special cameo on SNL alongside cast member Kristen Wiig to promote Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Radcliffe showed off his willingness to make fun of his own image by appearing in an amusing sketch about Harry Potter’s favorite American fast food joints.

The Graham Norton Show (Multiple)

As one of Britain’s most popular talk shows, The Graham Norton Show has hosted Radcliffe many times over the years. Radcliffe has always provided entertaining interviews along with fellow celebrity guests. His repeat appearances demonstrate his standing in British pop culture.

Live with Kelly and Ryan (Multiple)

Back in the United States, Radcliffe has been a guest on Live! with various hosts including Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest. The nationally syndicated morning show has given Radcliffe a platform to charm American audiences promoting his projects in a fun and relaxed setting.

TV Show
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Saturday Night Live
The Graham Norton Show
Live with Kelly and Ryan

The Simpsons (2019)

Radcliffe achieved a career milestone when he was featured as a guest star on The Simpsons in 2019. Radcliffe voiced a mysterious paranormal investigator helping Homer and family. The cameo demonstrated Radcliffe’s appeal to all age groups.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (2020)

In 2020, Radcliffe made a special appearance playing a comedic version of Prince Harry in the interactive Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt special. Radcliffe once again showed his willingness to mock his celebrity persona.

TV Show
The Simpsons
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

What Controversial Ads or Campaigns Has Daniel Radcliffe Been Involved in?

PETA Anti-Fur Campaign (2012)

In 2012, Radcliffe posed nude for PETA’s anti-fur campaign with the tagline “Get your skin into animal rights.” The provocative ads generated criticism for exploiting Radcliffe’s fame and nudity for shock value. However, Radcliffe stood by using his celebrity to promote animal rights.

Guns Akimbo Promotion (2019)

To promote his film Guns Akimbo, Radcliffe did interviews while posing with two glued-on guns giving the illusion of guns for hands. Many felt this whimsical promotion trivialized gun violence issues and was done in poor taste. Radcliffe acknowledged concerns but defended it as comedic.

Year Campaign Controversy
2012 PETA Anti-Fur Nudity concerns
2019 Guns Akimbo Promotion Gun violence concerns

While Radcliffe’s ads have sometimes stirred debate, he has said he wants to take on intriguing projects that interest him regardless of reactions. His willingness to court controversy showcases his boldness and commitment to his own values.

What Are Some Interesting Facts About Daniel Radcliffe’s Commercial Work?

  • Radcliffe shot his first-ever commercial at age 5 for a laundry detergent called Persil.
  • Radcliffe’s earliest national commercial was for BBC One as a young child.
  • He earned approximately $10 million from his Harry Potter ties including video games and action figures.
  • Radcliffe was in the legendary last VHS promotional ad for the final Harry Potter movie.
  • He has turned down numerous lucrative endorsement deals that did not align with his interests.
  • Radcliffe specifically seeks out quirky and clever ads rather than generic brand sponsorships.
  • He performed all his own stunts for the Sky Broadband ads including painful face plants.
  • Radcliffe’s fee for a single ad can run between $100,000 to $300,000.
  • He donates some of his advertising earnings to his favored charities.
  • Radcliffe’s shortest ad appearance was just 3 seconds long.


In conclusion, while Daniel Radcliffe is best known for playing Harry Potter, he has also cultivated an interesting commercial career over the years. He has promoted products like Sky Broadband with humor and supported causes like The Trevor Project with compassion.

Some of his provocative campaigns have stirred controversy but demonstrate Radcliffe’s willingness to take risks. His enthusiastic participation in commercials and endorsements shows his comfort poking fun at his own famous image and desire to creatively support brands and charities he admires. Daniel Radcliffe’s diverse commercial resume attests to his rare star power and versatility as a performer.

Frequently Asked Questions about Daniel Radcliffe’s Commercials

What was Daniel Radcliffe’s first ever commercial?

Radcliffe’s first ever commercial was at age 5 for Persil laundry detergent in the UK. It was a very brief appearance but marked the beginning of his on-screen career.

What products and brands has Radcliffe endorsed as an adult?

As an adult, Radcliffe has endorsed products and brands including Sky Broadband, AT&T, Simply Mac, Science Channel, and Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. He has carefully selected brands he genuinely admires and supports.

Has Daniel Radcliffe done any controversial ads?

Yes, Radcliffe has been involved in a few controversial ad campaigns. In 2012, he posed nude for PETA’s anti-fur campaign which generated criticism. And in 2019, some found his Guns Akimbo promotion with fake guns glued to his hands to be in poor taste.

What charitable causes has Radcliffe promoted?

Radcliffe has been a long-time supporter of The Trevor Project for LGBTQ youth suicide prevention and J.K. Rowling’s Lumos Foundation for disadvantaged children. He has also made ads for the American Red Cross and Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

How much does Daniel Radcliffe get paid for commercials?

It’s estimated Radcliffe earns between $100,000 to $300,000 for a single commercial or endorsement, depending on the campaign. Given his rare global fame, Radcliffe commands top dollar from advertisers.

Why does Daniel Radcliffe do commercials and ads?

Radcliffe has said he enjoys the creative outlet of commercials and likes being able to support brands and causes he believes in. The variety keeps him engaged, and he appreciates the opportunity to show his humor. The income likely doesn’t hurt either.

What TV talk shows has Daniel Radcliffe appeared on?

Some of the major TV talk shows Radcliffe has guested on include The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Saturday Night Live, The Graham Norton Show, Live with Kelly and Ryan, The Simpsons, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

Are there any ads or commercials starring Daniel Radcliffe that were banned?

No, none of Radcliffe’s ads or commercials have ever been officially banned as far as is known publicly. While some of his ads have sparked debate or criticism, they all still aired as planned by the brands involved.

How has Daniel Radcliffe’s commercial work impacted his career?

Doing memorable commercials and ads has allowed Radcliffe to show off his versatility and comedy chops beyond just dramatic acting roles. His clever endorsements have maintained his visibility and relevance between major movie and theater projects.

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