What Commercials Is Emma Thompson In: Emma Thompson’s Impactful Commercial Ventures

Emma Thompson is an acclaimed British actress who has appeared in many popular films over the past few decades. In addition to her illustrious acting career, Thompson has also lent her talent and recognizable face to various commercials and endorsements over the years. Here is an overview of some of the most notable commercials Emma Thompson has starred in.

When Did Emma Thompson Start Doing Commercials?

Emma Thompson’s first major commercial appearance was in 1995 when she starred in a series of commercials for Senseo coffee makers. The advertisements featured Thompson using the coffee machines in various fanciful situations, such as on the moon or in a hot air balloon. The quirky commercials played on Thompson’s witty and charming screen persona.

Thompson continued to take on select commercial roles throughout the late 1990s and 2000s, often choosing brands that aligned with her values or social causes.

What Types of Brands Has Emma Thompson Endorsed?

Over the years, Emma Thompson has used her celebrity status to promote brands and causes she believes in. Some of the major companies and organizations she has represented include:

  • Senseo coffee makers – Thompson starred in a series of amusing ads for Senseo in the 1990s.
  • Marks & Spencer – The British department store chain signed Thompson as a model and spokesperson in the 2000s. She appeared in print and catalogue ads.
  • HVR – Thompson did a series of radio voiceover ads for this law firm in the early 2000s.
  • Choice Hotels – Thompson was the spokesperson for Choice Hotels in a series of TV commercials in 2010.
  • The Co-operative Bank – Thompson appeared in print ads for this UK bank’s ethical banking policies in the early 2010s.
  • Oxfam – The charity has used Thompson’s voice and support in various fundraising and awareness campaigns.
  • Scotiabank – A Canadian bank that featured Thompson in some of its marketing in the late 2010s.

What Causes Has Emma Thompson Championed in Commercials?

In addition to traditional commercial product endorsements, Emma Thompson has often lent her fame to promote social and environmental causes close to her heart.

Climate Change Awareness

Thompson has been an outspoken supporter of climate action for many years. She has filmed public service announcements and voiceover ads bringing attention to climate change and sustainability issues.

Refugee Assistance

Thompson is an advocate for assisting refugees around the world. She has appeared in fundraising and informational commercials asking for support for refugee aid organizations.

Gender Equality

As a champion for women’s rights, Thompson has endorsed commercials promoting gender equality in society and the workplace.

Racial Justice

Thompson has voiced commercials in support of racial justice reforms and anti-racism campaigns. She believes strongly in promoting diversity.

LGBTQ Rights

Openly supporting LGBTQ causes throughout her career, Thompson has contributed her efforts to commercials advocating for LGBTQ rights and equality.

What Are Some of Emma Thompson’s Most Memorable Commercials?

While Emma Thompson has appeared in many commercials through the decades, a few stand out for being particularly impactful, humorous, or emotive.

1995 Senseo Coffee Commercials

The offbeat 1995 Senseo ads featured Thompson in absurdist situations meant to show the convenience of the Senseo machines. The ads’ quirky humor played off Thompson’s spirited on-screen presence.

2010 Choice Hotels Commercials

Looking perfectly elegant, Thompson used humorous taglines like “Travel Brilliantly” in this popular series of ads for Choice Hotels. They emphasized the affordability and quality of Choice’s accommodation options.

2013 Marks & Spencer Christmas Ad

This heartwarming Christmas ad showed Thompson dressing up and imaginary dancing through London to cheery holiday music. Her infectious enthusiasm and spirit captured the joy of the Christmas season.

2016 HVR “Greed Is Good” Commercial

Thompson parodied her villainous role in Hollywood blockbusters for this HVR radio ad that poked fun at greedy lawyers. Her over-the-top performance provided amusing meta-commentary on her acclaimed acting career.

2022 ScotiaBank Commercial

In this recent ad, Thompson brought her signature warmth and compassion to a ScotiaBank commercial promoting the bank’s community programs and commitment to inclusivity. Her eloquent message resonated powerfully with audiences.

What Commercials Is Emma Thompson In Right Now?

Emma Thompson continues to appear selectively in commercials and advertisements even as she maintains a busy acting career. Some of her most recent commercial roles include:

  • Voiceover ads for Kulturbetrie, an arts organization supporting career artists (2022)
  • Print and social media ads for FocusGreen, a line of eco-friendly cleaning products (2022)
  • A televised ad campaign for La Bonita Markets, a grocery store chain emphasizing fresh, organic foods (2023)
  • Radio voiceover ads for Jansen & James, a law firm specializing in divorce, family law, and women’s advocacy issues (2023)
  • An upcoming Super Bowl LVIII commercial for Tost Beverages, a sparkling water company. Details are still under wraps.

So while Emma Thompson remains highly selective about the brands she chooses to endorse, she does continue to appear in a handful of commercial roles supporting companies and causes she believes in. Her star power and acting talents make her an impactful choice of celebrity spokesperson.


Emma Thompson’s illustrious acting career has afforded her many opportunities to appear in commercials and lend her celebrity status to endorse products and bring awareness to meaningful causes. From quirky 90s coffee ads to recent spots advocating equality, Thompson has always carefully selected reputable brands that align with her principles.

While highly selective about her commercial roles, she continues to pop up in the occasional spot supporting companies and organizations trying to make a positive difference in the world. Thompson’s quick wit, elegance, and compassion make her a powerful on-screen spokesperson. Brands will likely continue seeking out this gifted, discerning actress for select endorsement deals that suit her high standards.

Frequently Asked Questions About Emma Thompson’s Commercial Appearances

Here are answers to some common questions about Emma Thompson’s history appearing in commercials and advertisements:

What was Emma Thompson’s first commercial?

Emma Thompson’s first major commercial gig was starring in a series of humorous ads for Senseo coffee machines in 1995. The quirky ads featured Thompson using Senseo makers in absurd situations.

Has Emma Thompson ever done a Super Bowl commercial?

As of February 2023, Emma Thompson has not yet appeared in a Super Bowl commercial. However, she is slated to star in an upcoming 2024 Super Bowl ad for Tost Beverages, a sparkling water company.

What products does Emma Thompson endorse?

Some major brands Emma Thompson has endorsed include Senseo, Marks & Spencer, Choice Hotels, The Co-operative Bank, and ScotiaBank. She has also done ads for causes like climate change awareness and refugee assistance.

What was Emma Thompson’s funniest commercial?

Many feel Emma Thompson’s 1995 Senseo coffee ads showcased the actress at her funniest. The zany situations paired perfectly with Thompson’s spirited personality.

Did Emma Thompson do voiceover commercials?

Yes, Thompson has lent her iconic voice to radio and narration commercial work for brands like HVR and Oxfam, in addition to on-camera ads. Her distinguished voice is highly recognizable.

Is Emma Thompson going to be in any 2023 Super Bowl commercials?

As of February 2023, Emma Thompson is not slated to appear in any commercials airing during Super Bowl LVII. She has not announced any 2023 Super Bowl ad roles.

What social causes has Emma Thompson advocated for in commercials?

Thompson has used her celebrity to bring attention to causes like climate change, refugee assistance, gender equality, racial justice, and LGBTQ rights in various commercials over the years.

Is Emma Thompson currently endorsing any brands?

Emma Thompson’s most recent endorsements are for organizations like the arts group Kulturbetrie and the eco-friendly cleaning company FocusGreen in 2022-2023. She reportedly has an upcoming 2024 Super Bowl ad for Tost Beverages.

How selective is Emma Thompson about choosing commercial roles?

Extremely selective. Thompson carefully vets brands and aligns her endorsements with companies that match her values and social causes. She has turned down many lucrative deals over the years.

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